Summer special "Lockdown Life Top 40 Part 1" A1M records new music show Thursday 6th August 8pm UK - we play our favourite 40 tunes from the 600+ amazing tunes we have played on the show so far-
This show is all about the music and discovering something new
Tune in #LOSANGELES 12 noon #TEXAS 2pm #Newyork 3pm #UK 8pm
Artist - Track
40. Weekend Recovery - There's a sense
39. The Shed Project - Lucky Number
38. The Heat Inc. - Raptors
37. The Long Faces - Sail Away
36. deviantrobots - Let your light shine Lance Hargreaves
35. DDE’s - Cherry Soul
34. Don't Call Me Ishmael - Prague By Night
33. Dead Reynolds - By Your Side
32. The Mirror Pictures - 3 Hour Blackout
31. Civic Green - There is always a Light
30. Stocksnskins - Bang It Down
29. Y-Key Operators - Town Where You Were Born
28. Le fomo - Nip on The Dance Floor
27. Bugeye - Blue Fire
26. CeeV - Lonely Night
25. ARGH KiD - Dickhead DNA
24. L-space / Post Coal Prom Queen - Karoshi
23. Tinfoils - Spitting
22. BANG BANG ROMEO - Stone Cold Superstar
21. XMenBTeam - Dont Be A Dick

Big thanks to everyone who makes this show what it is - every song we play is brilliant- this is just a bit of fun and it was so hard to choose just 40 in the two hours we have - Philly BlacktrianglePuffer Fish PressJoesy LowesyLaura BethManilla PR LtdEmma Scott MilesPluggin' BabyLouderthanwarClaire RobinsonWall Of Sound PRAnalogueTrashAndy Wood Radio Indie Alliance